Workshops for residents, fellows & physicians new to practice
Powerful financial literacy sessions for some of the busiest people on the planet

Free Workshop
Wealth-Building for Residents & Fellows
Strengthening Physicians for Early-Career Financial Challenges
Doctors face unique early-career financial challenges because they train longer, start later, and borrow more. This workshop is designed to inform, educate, build confidence, and reduce financial stress. Our goal is to provide a clear perspective on finances, emphasize the importance of an early-career commitment to high savings, and introduce best-practice decision-making.
Program Overview
Free Workshop
The Inflection Point
Targeting the Work-Optional Lifestyle
This workshop is designed to prepare emerging physicians for the many financial decisions they will make as they begin practice and experience a large increase in earnings.
Program Overview
Free Workshop
Getting to Zero
Student Loans & Beyond
For most young physicians beginning practice, their student loan debt is the dominant financial element in their lives. The goal of this workshop is to address the mechanics and rules around student loans, especially federal loans, and to provide perspective about how loans fit into the context of an overall financial plan.
Program Overview